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Imaging Endpoints’ Enhances Reviewer Performance Monitoring in Clinical Trials through Automation and AI

In the rapidly evolving landscape of clinical trials, maintaining data integrity and minimizing bias while performing BICR (Blinded Independent Central Review) is paramount. The automation of reviewer performance monitoring through advanced platforms, complemented by artificial intelligence (AI), is revolutionizing the way BICR reads are monitored. This innovative approach at Imaging Endpoints not only enhances accuracy but also streamlines the review process, setting new standards in central reader quality monitoring.

Traditionally, BICR monitoring has relied on metrics such as Adjudication Acceptance Rate (AAR) and Adjudication Rate (AR) to evaluate reviewer performance. However, these metrics often present challenges in identifying inconsistencies and outliers promptly. Today, Imaging Endpoints has shifted towards an automated monitoring system that integrates AI to analyze reviewer performance more comprehensively. This evolution enables real-time tracking of variability monitoring, allowing for preventive and immediate corrective actions, if necessary.

An effective tool for monitoring reviewer performance is the p-chart, which plots the AAR for each readers at key milestones. This enables stakeholders to compare AAR values across readers and over time for trend analysis. Outliers are identified as readings below the predefined standard deviation (SD) values in the Reviewer Performance Monitoring Plan. The Reader Disagreement Index (RDI) combines AAR and AR strengths and can be plotted for trend analysis, with 2SD critical for identifying trends. Statistical significance is essential when outliers are detected with p-values used to assess whether discrepancies are statistically significant. Typically, a p-value of less than 0.05 indicates meaningful differences that warrant further investigation. This blend of statistical rigor and automated monitoring helps quickly address potential biases, improving trial data quality.

Imaging Endpoints (IE) is leading this charge by integrating these advanced methodologies into its standard clinical trial read monitoring practices. The seamless incorporation of AI not only aids in preventing reviewer performance issues but also provides insights that drive continuous improvement in review processes. As a result, IE is not only ensuring high-quality data but also contributing to more efficient and effective clinical trials.

Imaging Endpoints is the global leader in designing imaging requirements for clinical trial protocols in cancer research. Our expertise in leveraging automated platforms and AI for reviewer performance monitoring represents a significant advancement in BICR methodology.  Partner with us to leverage our cutting-edge capabilities and ensure the success of your clinical trials.

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