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Imaging Endpoints Prioritizes Employees and Community, Launches Caring Endpoints

November 16, 2021 – Imaging Endpoints (IE) announced today that it has formally established Caring Endpoints, a new wholly-owned non-profit subsidiary to support its employees and the community at large. Caring Endpoints is designed to leverage the resources and expertise of its parent company to provide support to its employees worldwide, as well as individuals in the communities it serves in more than 40 countries. Caring Endpoints is the only not-for-profit entity within the Imaging Endpoints family of companies, and it shares with its parent Company the same executive leadership and advisory board.

Employees and members of the communities that IE serves have often sought support from the Company and its imaging experts. In particular, Imaging Endpoints has given tirelessly to support staff members and community friends in their time of need. This exceptional program has now been formalized and expanded through the establishment of Caring Endpoints.

“Whether it is coordinating vaccines for COVID-19, helping employees advocate for their family members with healthcare issues, establishing flexible work-from-home parameters and schedules, or providing expertise and other forms of caring support, we have always put our employees’ health, safety and well-being first. Imaging Endpoints was founded to help humanity by Connecting Imaging to the CureTM. It is our commitment to help people that led to the establishment of Caring Endpoints so that we can leverage our experts and resources for humanitarian endeavors. This is distinct from the services we provide as an imaging CRO or site management organization, which by their very nature help people every day through the services we provide in connection with clinical trials. Caring Endpoints is a unique program, and to my knowledge, there is no other imaging CRO that has a wholly-owned non-profit subsidiary like Caring Endpoints.” said Ron Korn, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Offer.

Doug Burkett PhD, Chief Executive Officer and President added: “As our company has grown and expanded its global reach, our resources and ability to aid our employees and others in need has also grown. The establishment of Caring Endpoints is a testament to our commitment to create the most caring environment for employees in the industry, and to prioritize the needs of our team members, their families, and the communities we serve by dedicating resources to help them in their times of need.”

For more information on Caring Endpoints, visit

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