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Lung Cancer Awareness

November 30, 2021 – Lung cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide with an estimated 2.21 million new cases and 1.80 million deaths per year as per the statistics by the World Health Organization (WHO). Lung cancer is a heterogeneous disease with wide-ranging clinicopathological features; they are divided into 2 main groups: Approximately 85% non-Small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and 15% small cell lung cancer (SCLC).

The National Lung Screening Trial showed that diagnosing patients at an earlier stage is one of the major steps needed to decrease lung cancer-related deaths and improve survival. Cancer staging, which defines the extent of disease, is crucial in guiding treatment and determining prognosis. Staging also facilitates the assessment of response to therapy, communication between cancer centers, and clinical research. Imaging plays an important role in the early diagnosis, appropriate staging, and evaluation of treatment effectiveness.

The current recommended imaging required for lung cancer screening is CT of the thorax and PET/CT from skull base to mid-thigh. Although CT scanning remains the imaging modality of choice, MRI has started to be used more frequently, as it can provide not only morphologic information but also functional information.

Recently, many classes of new agents have been introduced in lung cancer treatment, for example, cytostatic drugs, anti-angiogenic and immune-based therapies. With many of these classes of new agents, more comprehensive information about molecular and metabolic tumor nature is and will be needed. Advanced imaging analysis, such as Perfusion, Quantitative and Radiomic imaging analysis, has been added to show the tumor volume and accurately characterizing the changes occurring related to volume, molecular and biological changes within and around the tumors as well as tumor response to therapy and prognosis.

Recognized as the preeminent oncology imaging core lab, Imaging Endpoints is actively involved in providing its expertise through its clinical trial imaging services. Imaging Endpoints is doing its part in fighting Lung Cancer by Connecting Imaging to the CureTM. For more information, please email us at to learn more and arrange time to speak to one of our experts.

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